Shop Tunes

Starting a blog has been in the pipeline for some time now. It was born from an effort to find more effective ways to communicate what we do and who we are. Instagram and Facebook can do that. Product pages and descriptions can do that. But a blog is where we can write and share directly whats running through our mind. We will use this space to share the ethos of Artifaqt.

We begin with something at the very heart of our daily work. When my dad came to 15 Main in 1983, the first thing he did was wire up the sound system. Music appropriate to the task. Sometimes to quiet the mind, others times to get in rhythm for a batch run. Shop clean ups are a whole different vibe.

Music is the language of the soul.

The first playlist we want to share is Artifaqt Africa. My dad and I have always enjoyed listening to music from different cultures regardless of whether we could understand the lyrics or not. It allows the mind to travel, experiencing the rhythms of a distant land while working at the bench. Maintaining a small studio requires a lot of time in the shop. Unfortunately, this form of travel is often all there is time for, especially for my dad. Yesterday morning he said, “Other than trips to the gym its amazing how close my life is to quarantine.” (Yikes!) At this point, most of us are quarantined. Staying home is the smartest and most beneficial choice that we can all make. Here at Artifaqt, we are lucky to live above the shop so the tunes are still playing and we’re still making.

Welcome to our space. Hope you enjoy your musical tour of Artifaqt and the cultural beauty of the African continent.

Please stay safe and healthy,


…suggestions are always welcome! Also, here are some photos from a Fatoumata Diawara concert we went to in Philly last month. Absolutely amazing. Make sure you check out her music and try to catch a live performance.

Photo Feb 19, 10 05 35 PM.jpg
Photo Feb 19, 10 33 00 PM.jpg